Dear buyer!
- If you have bought defected goods in our chain, you can return goods, or exchange it for quality goods. For this, you need to present goods and check to the store administrator. If you have found defect on goods and check has been lost, but at the same time you has performed purchase using the cumulative card, you can contact the Call-center of our chain by number +996 312 91 06 60 and leave an application. Employees of the Customer Relations Department will contact you within one working day and help to resolve an issue of repayment or exchange of goods.
- Our cashiers should help to pack purchased goods to: pensioners, pregnant women and buyers with young child in hands.
- In case of discordance of prices on price stickers and at cash, we undertake to sell goods at price indicated on price sticker.
- In our stores, alcohol and tobacco products are not sold to people who have not reached the age of 18 years old.
- If case of any complaints regarding personnel’s rough treatment or other violations in stores, please, inform about it by phone of hot line: +996 312 91 06 60, indicating store address, date and time when you have faced it, or leave your complaint at stand for “Complaints and offers” which is at each store.