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Globus store chain is of one of the largest chains in Kyrgyzstan. Our chain has already proved that it is possible to work honestly!

Currently, the chain includes 7 stores. In 2018 there are planned new openings of stores, among them in Osh city.

In our chain every day are made more than 60 thousand of purchases. We contact the audience promoting development of your business! Image of our buyer can be described in much extended ranges. Our buyers have various incomes, various social statuses and are of various age categories.

Buyers’ types of activity also vary – they are students, public officials, entrepreneurs, managers of private companies, housewives and pensioners.

We offer to advertising customers different opportunities of advertisement positioning. In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact Zakharov Roman – Marketing Director.

Contact information: +996 312 90 02 30 ext.115;