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The advantages of working in the company

More than 1000 people work in our well-liked, one of the largest Globus store chain.

If your friends and family want to join our big and happy team, notify them immediately that we are constantly recruiting hardworking, honest and responsible staff members! We are constantly developing, we forge ahead, new stores are opened so often that there are enough work places for everybody!

Employees of our company are guaranteed the following:

  • compliance with the legislation of the KR;
  • fair wage;
  • additional financial recourses: rewards on monthly results, rewards for  successful guidance, valuable gifts for the best professionals;
  • officially declared salary paid regularly and without delays. Today officially  declared salary is not just a possibility to improve living conditions (obtaining  credit in any of the banks), but confidence in retirement insurance on reaching  age limit;
  • flexible, convenient work schedule compliant with the LC of the KR;
  • social assistance according to the LC of the KR (paid labor and maternity leave, medical leave and etc.);
  • We don’t require work experience, we teach everybody by ourselves. Filling the vacancies, including managerial positions, is carried out on the basis of contest, candidates on internal contest have an advantage: 7 of 7 stores directors started their career in the company with the position of salesman;
  • close-knit team.


Main requirements for employees of the company:

  • Honesty. The organization would like to get honest labor from employees, and employees on their turn should be sure in the company and the day of tomorrow. We are equally strict as with theft in the company, so theft in customers or colleagues in any forms. For example, attempt to give a customer inaccurate change or to sell expired products is followed by unconditional dismissal from our company.
  • Kindness and sociability. It is pleasant to visit the store where you meet kind and smiling employees. We are looking for kind, respectful employees. Genuine desire to help and serve people is rare quality which we try to distinguish when entering employment.
  • Responsibility. Each of the employees makes a contribution to the general result. Contribution of each employee is very significant. That is why one of the important requirements to employee is responsibility for quality and promptitude of work implementation as part of its remit.
  • Willingness to share in the common cause. It is important that an employee could understand that we are all in the same boat. Collaboration, substitutability and mutual supportiveness in the team are not empty words for people hiring in our team.